Find the most important etiquette rules on how to serve and eat Scamorza and tips to be the ideal host or the perfect guest at the dining table.

What Scamorza etiquette is

Scamorza etiquette is the set of rules to properly serve and eat Scamorza. Such rules help avoid behaviors that can disrespect hosts or guests, or make you look unpolite.

If you are hosting, follow Scamorza etiquette to serve it to your guests appropriately.

If you are a guest, respect the etiquette rules to properly eat and enjoy it.

What you should know about Scamorza

Scamorza is an Italian cow’s milk cheese. It is a typical product of the southern regions. Apulia, Campania, and Calabria. 

Scamorza is similar to Mozzarella. It is firmer and has a stronger flavor. Scamorza is of light yellow color. The most common shape in commerce is pear-shaped. The smoked variety (affumicata) is very popular.

how to serve and eat scamorza

Etiquette tips to serve and eat Scamorza

1) How to store Scamorza

It is best to store Scamorza in the fridge. It can last up to 3 weeks. 

After slicing it, store it wrapped in plastic. 

In the freezer, it can last up to 2 to 3 months. However, freezing can make Scamorza lose some of its texture and taste. Thus, it is best to store it in the freezer only if you are going to cook it. 

Cooked Scamorza can last between 3 and 5 days. 

2) How to clean Scamorza

You do not need to wash Scamorza. Its peel is edible, you should not remove it.  

3) How to cook Scamorza

Scamorza can replace Mozzarella in many recipes. It melts better and does not release water. 

You can melt Scamorza in a pan. Add it to pizza or pasta. Use it as an ingredient in oven-baked recipes such as Parmigiana and flans.

Scamorza is a perfect ingredient also for salads and sandwiches. 

4) How to serve & present Scamorza

You can serve Scamorza at room temperature. It does not need to be cooked. Take it out of the fridge 1 or 2 hours before serving. 

Serve Scamorza whole or in slices. If you serve it whole, present it with its own serving knife. 

Scamorza is perfect as an appetizer. It is also common to serve it before dessert.

5) Food and wine to pair Scamorza with

Scamorza goes well with roasted vegetables. Peppers. Aubergines. Radicchio.

It is perfect for pasta and pizza. Also, it is a popular ingredient for risotto and rice. 

You can pair it with some charcuterie. Such as fresh sausage or Prosciutto Crudo. Do not pair it with fish or seafood.

Scamorza can go well with some jams and fruit, such as figs.

Smoked Scamorza pairs well with white wine. Oak-aged Chardonnay. Pinot Grigio. CirĂ² Bianco. Vermentino. 

6) How to eat Scamorza

The skin is edible. It is not appropriate to remove it.

When Scamorza is presented whole, serve yourself with a full slice. Then, you can eat it with a fork and knife or with your fingers.

Scamorza etiquette: the worst mistakes

Avoid the worst Scamorza etiquette mistakes. 

  • 9/10. Serving spoiled Scamorza.
  • 7/10. Pairing Scamorza with fish or seafood.
  • 2/10. Discarding the rind.

Additional information for properly serving Scamorza

How many calories per serving?

Counting calories is important to stay healthy and to correctly plan a menu.

Scamorza contains about 330 calories per 100 grams. One slice is usually between 25 and 30 grams. Thus, it contains around 80 calories per serving.

How to buy the best Scamorza

A crucial factor in Scamorza etiquette is to serve the best product possible to your guests.

Season and availability 

Scamorza is available all year round

Choose the best

The best Scamorza is usually from the southern regions of Italy. Such as Apulia, Campania, or Calabria. 

Good Scamorza must be firm. Do not buy it if it has soft spots or a foul smell.

Alternatives to Scamorza

The most common substitutes for Scamorza are Provolone or Mozzarella.


What is the difference between Scamorza and Mozzarella?

Scamorza is similar to Mozzarella. It is drier, firmer, and with a more pronounced taste.

Do you eat the skin of Scamorza?

You should eat Scamorza with its skin. The skin is edible and contributes to the overall taste of the cheese.

Can you eat Scamorza raw?

Scamorza does not need to be cooked. You can enjoy it raw or cooked.

Can you put Scamorza on pizza?

Scamorza is a perfect ingredient for pizza. Italians use it either to replace Mozzarella or in addition to it.
